Courses in Groningen
Prospective parents
Courses for future parents
When you are pregnant, it means that a lot is changing and everything is happening for the first time. We know better than anyone how nice and important it is to get information and guidance that suits you just then.
Discover courses in Groningen
Information and guidance
In addition to our own Fiere courses and information evenings, various courses are organised in Groningen for you and your partner.
Every expectant parent has different needs and information requirements. Maybe you are looking for guidance especially in the field of sports. There is a wide range, so there is something for everyone! Below, we have listed the offers for you.

Giving birth together
Fun and thorough preparation for childbirth and maternity for both the pregnant woman and her partner.
Pregnancy courses
Information and exercise advice from midwives, maternity nurses and physiotherapists
Yoga pregnancy courses
Pregnancy counselling focusing on yoga and breathing.
Maternity sports courses
Keeping fit in pregnancy through gym, swimming and sports exercises.
Online pregnancy courses
In haptonomy, the development of emotional life is central. Touch plays an important role in this. Touching can start as soon as the baby makes itself heard in the womb. With movements, the baby invites the parent to make contact.
Information Martini Hospital
During the Martini Hospital Maternity Market, a midwife, a gynaecologist, a nurse and someone from a maternity care organisation give lots of specific childbirth information (in the hospital). For dates and registration, call the secretary of the obstetrics department, telephone number: 050-5246430.
Watch an online tour of 'giving birth in the Martini Hospital' on youtube
Preparing during pregnancy, latching on, the first weeks, recognising and preventing problems and pumping. Information evenings and courses on breastfeeding are offered by various organisations including: