Consultation locations
Always close by
Fiere Verloskundigen has seven different consultation locations in the city of Groningen and Eelderwolde. Our locations have been carefully selected so that you can reach us quickly and easily. We hold surgery hours every working day and two evenings a week. Even if you live in Hoogkerk, Zuidhorn, Aduard, Den Horn, Oostwold, Zuidwolde, Adorp, Sauwerd, Harkstede, Meerstad, Westerbroek, Haren, Peize, Eelde, Eelderwolde or Paterswolde, you are welcome to visit us!
Querido Avenue
Groningen South
Querido Avenue 5
9721 SZ Groningen
Also Maternity care 'Het Groene Kruis', 1st floor
Groningen South, Queridolaan
In Groningen South, you will find Fiere Verloskundigen at Queridolaan 5, in the Groene Kruis building on the first floor, among others. The waiting room is right at the top of the stairs.
Directions to the consultation location
Groningen South Queridolaan
Use the Google map on this page to easily create directions from your home to our consultation location.

Above pharmacy Poll
Korreweg 118
9715 AJ Groningen
Poll pharmacy entrance, 2nd floor
Directions to our consultation location in the Korreweg neighbourhood. Our consultation location is above Poll pharmacy on the second floor.
Easy to reach by public transport
Take bus lines 1 and 52. Stop at Korreweg/ J.C.Kapteynlaan.
Route description consultation location Korreweg neighbourhood
Use the Google map on this page to easily create directions from your home to our consultation location.

Heratemaheerd 8, 9737 MT Groningen
At Children's Physio North.
You can also find 'Fiere midwives' in the Beijum area.
Route description consultation location Beijum
With googlemaps, you can easily find this consultation location of Fiere Midwives.

'The Flint' health centre
Goudlaan 289
9743 CH Groningen
Via main entrance, 1st floor on the left
You will also find 'Fiere midwives' in Vinkhuizen at our consultation location in health centre 'De Vuursteen'.
Easy to reach by public transport
Take bus line 6 and get off at the Siersteenlaan stop in Vinkhuizen. The stop is right in front of Health Centre 'De Vuursteen'.
Quick parking in front of the door
'Fiere verloskundigen' is also easy to reach by car. We have a large car park in Vinkhuizen in front of health centre 'De Vuursteen'.
Where to find us in health centre 'The Flint'
Walk in through the main entrance of the health centre 'The Flint', immediately taking the 1st door on the right. Then walk up the stairs to the 1st floor. On the 1st floor, we are on the left. You will recognise our entrance by our recognisable company logo.
Route description consultation location Vinkhuizen
Use the Google map on this page to easily create directions from your home to our consultation location.

Rietdiephaven health centre
Wadwerd 1
9746DC Groningen
Easy to reach by public transport
Several buses go in the direction of P+R Reitdiep. From the bus stop, it is a few minutes' walk.
Quick parking in front of the door
'Fiere midwives' is also easy to reach by car. There is a large car park at health centre Reitdiephaven.
Where to find us in health centre Reitdiephaven
Walk in through the main entrance of the health centre and turn immediately right.
Route description to consultation location Reitdiep
Use the Google map on this page to easily create directions from your home to our consultation location.

Ter Borch
Ter Borch health centre
Borchsingel 33
9766 PP Eelderwolde
Our consultation location is in ter Borch Health Centre.
Quick parking in front of the door
'Fiere midwives' is also easy to reach by car. There is a large car park at health centre Ter Borch.
Where to find us in health centre Ter Borch
Walk in through the main entrance of the health centre and turn immediately left. The waiting room is next to the reception desk.
Route description consultation location Eelderwolde
Use the Google map on this page to easily create directions from your home to our consultation location.